
Monday, 23 July 2012

SHOPPING!!! Hmmm, so, today happened to be my first pay day from my real job and I may have gone a little mad. A shopping trip to Birmingham took place... oops. I feel like I spend half my life on the frickin motorway but ah well it was worth it!!!! 

This was today's outfit... I did wear my hat out too, but I can't get a decent picture with it. I love my studded black bag, cheeky bargain from Select, £15! The boots are manky old topshop ones, they have seen better days. BUT the trip into Birmingham was for one reason only....

MY FIRST PAIR OF LITAS!!!! Bit late on the band wagon I know, but I am pretty sure I'm gonna end up buying one a month. They are so comfy!!!! I got a few other bits too, but I think I'll include them in an outfit post later in the week. Now to scoff a fat curry for tea to celebrate Ma's new job!


The Lorax Film Première

The Lorax film première was absolutely awesome!!! I had some tickets through work courtesy of Memorabilia (they hold Comic Con with us), so yesterday morning I went with the fam to see the first showing of the film! We even had a talk from Mr Danny Divito no less and it was a bloomin wonderful day! Free sweets, champagne and goldfish, what more could be needed on a Sunday morning?? We may have robbed some of the promo stuff so I now have a wonderful Lorax in my room!

I do have a picture of my outfit on the other camera, but I need to wait for a new USB to get it transferred over (GRR)! So I'll put that up in a couple of days. 

Today I am off to get my LITAS!!!!! I'm soooo excited! Finally I may have a pair in my wardrobe, if I ever take them off my feet! There will be pictures later! 

I've been gone for a little while due to a number of things, but been as I seem to have more time than ever now I'm gonna bombard you all with crap about life and clothes and stuff!

See you later x