The last few days have been a little stressful with Uni and things, but news came today that I may not be doing as bad with my grades as I thought! Another plus is that my shoes came! My collection is growing at a stupidly fast rate but hey can a girl ever have too many shoes?
Found them on eBay from a punk shop in Gloucester for £60, they're a perfect fit too!!
I've teamed them with this...
Knitted jumper - came from a cute little market for like £3 or something stupid
Leather shorts - Wild Heart
I'm off to see a fella about an Olympic event in a short while, so I'm feeling pretty good this evening!
On another note, yesterday's live lounge featured Twin Atlantic and their cover of the hideous Jessie J. They should have released this, it's absolutely gorgeous! I have to mention his adorable Scottish twang.